Feast of St Joseph at Kinshasa

The Daughters of Jesus enjoy celebrating their patron saint on the 19th March. This year the community of Kinshasa celebrated it in a special way. Here are the impressions of our three sisters.

BEYALA ChrescenceSaint Joseph is a saint’s day for the whole Church, but particularly for the Daughters of Jesus. On the day we made special mention of this. I was very touched, moved even, during the Mass. Every one who came to the celebration that day sang the song of thanksgiving, “O Saint Patron de Kermaria”: Daughters of Jesus, sisters from other congregations, priests, the novices, our aspirants, lay associates of the Daughters of Jesus, teachers at St Joseph’s Literacy Centre, our employees … All sang with hearts full of joy. It marked the beginning of the celebration.”

Sr Chrescence Beyala

« it was the first time that the community had organised this celebration, because before it tookGermaine Kabemba place at the Literacy Centre with the children. The Mass began at 16h00. We then had a “scenario” relating the beginnings of the Congregation, especially the visible protection of Saint Joseph. The people were attentive and impressed by it. This was followed by a fraternal shared meal. The whole community took part in the preparation of the meal, the Eucharist, the games and participated right to the end of the celebration. Every one of us expressed her love and her joy. Sr Colette Girot, who was passing through, found her place too in the celebrations. It was beautiful. Thank you everyone.”

Sr Germaine Kabemba

Marina« Saint Joseph’s feast day this year, allowed me to relive a whole history of the life, the service and the total gift of those who went before us. By way of the sketches performed with the aspirants, we were able to convey to all those who joined with us how it is sometimes necessary to count on the saints and to believe that they intercede for us with God. In his homily, Father Joseph, a Salesian of Don Bosco, told us to “always have the life of the holy family of Nazareth as an example in our lives”. Yes, Joseph is a model of humility, of silence and of obedience, just as Mary and Jesus were. I ask myself then : Did our first sisters not act in the same manner, in silence, humility and obedience to someone? They did and we see it in the beginnings of our Mother House, Kermaria. Saint Joseph, watch over your children.”

Sr Marina Ntsandi


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