Commitment of the associates of Trois Rivières

On this Sunday, March 17, 2019, twenty-four Associates of the Congregation renewed their commitment. The celebration had a double festive character since we also wanted to pay tribute to our patron Saint.

Saint Joseph de Kermaria


Jean Pierre Trudel, lay associate, led the entrance procession carrying the statue of Saint Joseph de Kermaria which was placed in the spotlight for the Eucharistic celebration.

We wanted to commemorate…


We remembered Josette Destrempes and Jacqueline Proteau, to whom we owe the project of a lay association to the Daughters of Jesus. Chantal Gautier reminded us that this project was born and developed thanks to the faith and perseverance of these two Daughters of Jesus.

Renewal of commitments


Before Holy Communion, our Vice-Provincial Gisèle Lacerte accepted the commitments of the 24 Associates. Their creed was a reminder of their Baptismal promises enhanced by the charism of the Daughters of Jesus.

Let the light of our baptism shine forth


Towards the end of the celebration, a very significant gesture was suggested…that of lighting a candle from the Paschal Candle and to carry it to our surroundings. “Just as the candle that was lit at our baptism proclaimed that God, in Jesus, called us from Darkness into his admirable Light….” so are we reminded that as Daughters of Jesus and Associates we have the mission to bring this Light into our world today fostering humanization as Jesus did.

A time to share friendship


Following this very special celebration, we were invited to socialize with the Daughters of Jesus who so warmly welcomed us as Associates to their wonderful religious family.

Carole Thibeault Paillé, associate of Trois Rivières, Canada


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