Commitment of Guillermo in Chile

On the eve of Palm Sunday, March 15, 2008, the group of Santiago Ruca de Jesus (House) spent the day in retreat, in prayer and reflection, preparing to receive a new member in their group. At the end of the day, in a simple ceremony richer in signs than in words, Guillermo Flores Gonsalez made his first commitment as an Associate promising “to honor the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God”.

His brother, his sister-in-law and a few Daughters of Jesus were also present at the celebration.
Joyfully we thanked the Lord for the accomplishments made already by Guillermo these past few years.

Our spirituality of Honoring Jesus incarnate in history has been and is always a strong motivating factor for the groups to commit themselves in their life situation, in their work and in the Church.

At Tucapel, the first foundation in Chile, there is one group. At Chillan, two other groups and new aspirants gather, desirous of finding support in their Christian life of service.

The innumerable fruits they produce: their gift, their generosity in the love and service of their brothers and sisters, provoke our admiration.

As is mentioned in the Acts of the 2004 Chapter:

“The Associates can bring a special contribution of Christian living to the world and to the church. Our charism is enriched and expanded by their presence.”

May the God of Life and History bless everyone and their families.


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