Celebration of our jubilarians at Kermaria

On June 15, 2023, all the Jubilarians of France who were celebrating either 25, 60, 70, 75, 80 years of religious life – were gathered at Kermaria to give thanks for the gift of having been called and sustained by the Lord’s fidelity. He preceded us, accompanied and supported us throughout these years.


After the entrance Hymn, Sister Anne Thirion, Provincial, greeted the Jubilarians with these words:

“Dear Jubilarians, you who today celebrate 25, 60, 70, 75 or 80 years of fidelity in religious life, congratulations.

We are happy to give thanks with you for this journey, with its ups and downs, since the first “yes”, since the day the Lord had chosen you.

I am convinced of it, He is rejoicing with us today, rejoicing in each one’s journey, one accomplished in true friendship with Him.

During this Eucharist we will offer him your lives so generously given up and all the fruit reaped along the way so that He can bring them to light. Looking towards the future, we will ask Him to keep you strong in faith, hope and love so that you may, wherever you are, continue to serve Him with confidence. May your respective missions be one of great fruitfulness, the place where you will continue to walk humbly with Him day after day. Have an excellent journey. »


The celebration continued; Father Albert Le Quitte, who had known the Daughters of Jesus in Honduras, presided the Eucharist; Father Antoine, our chaplain at Kermaria concelebrated.

The hymns and selected passages invited us to give thanks. We also remembered all those who have left us and have been welcomed into the Father’s house.

Party time

The party continued in the inner courtyard while sharing a toast to friendship. This is a time that is always appreciated: being reunited and taking time to share on this beautiful sunny day sitting around the booths where everyone finds something to quench their thirst.

Then it is time for a festive meal in the Sacred Heart Hall, for the jubilarians

accompanied by the general and provincial Councils. Songs, poems, stories, a few dance steps cheer up this very convivial time. It’s in Spanish that we give thanks for this beautiful day.

All the jubilarians join those of “60” to express their thanks and their gratitude to those who had collaborated … each and everyone in their own way, to make this a wonderful celebration.

With Sister Anne’s encouraging invitation, with the grace of the Lord, we will continue to walk humbly, with confidence, day after day.

Jubilarians, Daughters of Jesus,



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