Celebration  of light World   Day of consecrated life

On this beautiful sunny day of February 2nd, hearts filled with joy, we the Daughters of Jesus of Royal Court, Riverview, N.B. Canada, gather together in our kitchenette on 3rd floor for breakfast.

A shared meal

Upon arriving we see that three of our sisters are already there: Jacqueline Desroches, Jeannine Leclerc and Jeanne Comeau very busy at work. What’s on the menu? Perhaps pancakes? Indeed, delicious pancakes served from the frying-pan to our plate. Each one garnishes her pancake with maple syrup and strawberries and we help ourselves to coffee or tea. What a treat! We are happy to taste these pancakes, grateful to our three Sisters  as well as for the opportunity to meet up and chat. What a beautiful way to begin this special day!  

Doesn’t our Rule of Life invite us to “set aside times for meeting to exchange and share, to pray and celebrate, to relax and rejoice”. R. L. 25

Gathering for prayer

It is on the 3rd floor at 3:30 that we meet again to pray Vespers, according to the proposed liturgy. On this special day we are united to all religious communities across the world. Following Christ, the Light of the world, we are called to be light each in our own way and in our own sphere of activity. Didn’t Jesus tell us “You are the light of the world.” And he added: “Let your light shine.” Mt 5,, 14   

As hymn we chose to sing: “Portons la lumière”. (Let’s carry the light) Yes, it’s an invitation to each one of us to be light for all those we meet on our journey.

After our prayer, each one was given a little treat so we stayed put for some time and chatted very informally with those around us.

An invitation to

So that our life be a continuation of this day we are all invited to ask the Lord for this following grace: Christ Jesus, you are the desire of my heart. Come fill me with your loving presence that I might radiate your divine light this day and everyday”. (Living Faith)  

Margaret Wincey et Joyce Brochet

Riverview, N.B.  Canada 


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