Celebration of a centenary sister

Sr. Alice Trottier, fj, living in Edmonton, Canada celebrated her 100th birthday on March the 22nd. It was an opportunity for the community to give thanks in fraternity.



“I’m going to be 100 years old” 


Joyous anticipation is how I would describe the mood and excitement of Sr. Alice in the days leading up to her 100th birthday.



March the 22nd 2022, marked a significant milestone in her life.  It was only fitting that the Daughters of Jesus gather on the day itself to celebrate the gift of Alice’s century of faith-filled life and service. Thanks to Jeannette Nadeau’s creativity and enthusiasm a wonderful celebration was prepared and enjoyed by all.


 A milestone to celebrate – a time to give thanks


  At 1:30 pm the community of Villa St. Joseph arrived at Providence Centre laden with magnificent spring bouquets, decorations, and food.



Alice’s companions residing at Providence then arrived.  Soon a big circle formed around the table to await the arrival of the Guest of Honor, Sr. Alice.

As she arrived, we broke into cheers and sang: “Happy Birthday to you…Bonne fête à toi…!” 



It was time for embracing and good wishes.  The joy on Alice’s face radiated into the whole room, a joy that she carried with her from the celebration with her family a few days prior.  Florence welcomed all of us and the party began with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving expressed in the hymn: “May we praise you, O Lord with hand and heart and voice’.  The reading that was chosen, Col. 1 :1-6, expressed the sentiments of our hearts: ‘We always give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in our prayers for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you bear….’


A true reflection of Alice’s life leading us into the Magnificat followed by spontaneous intercessory prayers.


An unexpected request  


 There was time for a sing-along, for story telling, for savoring the messages in the cards received and then came Alice’s unexpected request. 



“I would like the delegates who are back from the Chapter to express in ‘one word or two’ what you are bringing home from the Chapter”.  There followed a moment of stunned silence then our delegates spontaneously spoke from their hearts being true to Alice’s request ‘in one or two words’!

 ‘Spiritual Experience’ … ‘Unity and Dynamism’ … ‘Sense of Belonging’! What a delightful moment that was for Alice and for us all.  The storytelling continued followed by special snacks since no birthday cake was allowed, and only wrapped items could be served.  Words of thanks brought Alice’s 100th birthday celebration to a close. 


An historic occasion


Alice however, had still another proclamation to make. Ever the historian, Alice proclaimed that this was ‘an historic occasion’!  As such it was necessary to have some pictures taken.  Congratulations Alice. We thank you for your century of “casting the fire of God’s love upon the earth’ and for humanizing life. 



The number of cards, calls and visits received from former students and colleagues is a real testimony to ‘honoring the Sacred Humanity of Jesus’ throughout your teaching career.   Thank-you and blessings as you embark upon a second century of life!  We love you dearly! 


Sr Doreen Victoor, fj,

Edmonton, Canada


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