Celebration in all its glory!

On September 25, at Kermaria in Three Rivers, our Associates assembled in the St. Elizabeth Hall to renew their commitment while experiencing at the same time the joy of being together once more.

This beautiful meeting was full of surprises. First, we had the pleasure of hearing from Sr. Colette Gélinas, General Councillor, presently on a month’s vacation in Canada.

What a joy to hear Colette remind us that the Associates of all countries belong to the same family.

We are all connected by the same goal: “To walk in the footsteps of Jesus” every day. A sense of belonging keeps us in communion with one another.

Sr. Colette invites us to pursue our journey with dynamism and to believe in our call as Associates.

Greetings and welcome

We were warmly welcomed by our president Thérèse Moisan, radiant with the joy of seeing us again.

Sr. Monique Brulé, Regional Superior, welcomed us and spoke to us briefly about the General Chapter which took place recently in the Congregation and to which participated 8 Associates from several countries. We became aware that we are all living the same charism and belong to one big family.

Faith and simplicity

We listened to Robert Lebel’s beautiful song entitled: “Hope against all hope” which allowed us to experience a moment of interiority, plunging us into the depth of our faith in the One who loved us first.

In all simplicity, Sr. Thérèse Normand, in charge of the Associates, accepted the commitments of 13 Associates. It is always an important step for each one who undertakes to follow Jesus in joy, with a humble, loving and grateful heart. It was an emotional moment.

The Word of God at work in our hearts

We then prayed with the following passage of St Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 14, verses 15-21.

Two Associates presented us with a few reflections. Example: Do I take time for prayer and reflection?  Am I attentive to the needs of others? Do I use my gifts to help others? Do I trust the Lord, my beloved Master? 

Sr. Louise Robidoux, missionary in Chile and presently on vacation in Three Rivers, shared with us her joy of having 61 Associates in her adopted country. She  thanked Madeleine Lambert who is currently replacing her during her holidays.

We were then surprised by a moving testimony from Sr. Pauline Désaulniers who told us about the explosion of the furnace that took place at Kermaria. The employee who was at the heart of this explosion was saved because the statue of St Joseph protected him. Specialists have recognized a miracle of our Patron Saint.

Sr. Gisèle Lacerte made a brief return on the General Chapter telling us that it was an experience of discernment guided by the Holy Spirit. We will receive the Orientations of the General Chapter on Nov. 19 at 1 pm as part of the beginning of a new community year and the sending on mission.

Prayer, final song and snacks

A prayer by an Associate: “Lord, you have chosen me” to which we replied: “in the way Jesus would do”.

 After we all sang: O Patron Saint of Kermaria we then shared snacks.

With the Daughters of Jesus at Kermaria we always feel warmly welcomed.

 It was an opportunity for very lively exchanges; briefly put, a meaningful reunion to which the Lord seemed present.

Monique Savignac et Hélène Lacerte, Associates, Trois Rivières, canada


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