Bohain, in Vermandois : 80 years of the sisters’ presence

groupede Religieuses

Sunday the 28th September 2014 saw a beautiful celebration of the religious life that has been present for 80 years in this small estate in the North of France.

It was in 1934 that Mr Rodier, founder of the factory of the same name, requested the presence of religious sisters in the retirement home that he had just opened.

Mie Lamarre Bohain

This request was passed to the Sisters of the “Immaculée d’Auteuil” by Father Brothier, founder of the “Orphan Apprentices of Auteuil”. So the first community was installed. (The Sisters of the Immaculée d’Auteil fused with the Daughters of jesus of Kermaria in 1990).

In 1941, in order to respond to the needs of the young people and those who were ill, the sisters opened a “professional” school which later became 2 medical centres and the Saint Sophie Professional Secondary School.

Today, the community of 6 sisters is to be found on 2 sites : Bohain-Saint Quentin with the mission of being a local presence giving attention to everyone. “We provide help where it is requested according to the experience and possibilities of each sister.”

In the midst of a very friendly and fraternal population, we respond to the invitation of this Sunday’s liturgy : “Go, you too and work in my vineyard!”

Eglise de Bohain

Community of Bohain-Saint Quentin


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