Associates and Daughters of Jesus, together under the Lord’s gaze

Sisters Marie Thérèse Catusse and Pauline Nkoy, on mission in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, give us an outline of the meeting at the Daoukro community on the 18th of November 2023. It was an occasion for the Associates and Daughters of Jesus of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire to come together to welcome the Acts of the General Chapter 2022 and to look forward to the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Congregation in Africa.

A family meeting

Coming from Brobo, the Sisters and Associates joined their brothers and sisters from a new team of Associates at Daoukro that has recently been set up.

The meeting began with a welcome from the head of the Daoukro Associates. In her speech, she invited us to observe a minute’s silence for the eternal repose of Gladys, an Associate who was murdered last September in Bogotá, Colombia. Afterwards, Sister Pauline Nkoy and Joël Nzi presented the orientations of the General Chapter 2022 with the help of a slide show. This presentation was followed by a time of personal prayer on the call, and a rich and deep sharing.

Expressions from the sharing after the prayer included

“Jesus trusts us. He is close to us, let’s go forward”.

“It’s powerful! These guidelines are profound!

“They re-energise us to move forward, to respond to the urgent calls for a better, fairer and more fraternal world”.

“I’m not alone, we are here as partners, working together to keep the fire of charity burning”.

“Open up, the poor are there, close by.”

“Lord, give me health and strength so that I too can reach out to others and support those with problems and difficulties.”

At the end of this beautiful and enriching moment of sharing, the Eucharist brought the participants together in the Sisters’ chapel for a Mass of thanksgiving and sending out on mission.

A time of sending out

In his homily the parish priest of Daoukro expressed his joy at seeing the charism lived by lay people, and his wish to see other vocations to the Daughters of Jesus.

Sister Marie Thérèse Catusse, representing the Provincial, then proceeded to the individual call of the Associates and Sisters and to the sending out. The call was personal and accompanied by the expression:

“Mr/Mrs/Sr … Go out into the deep, don’t be afraid. Cast out the nets to live your mission as an Associate…as a Daughter of Jesus … and bring the charism to where you live”.

In this attitude of contemplation, availability and self-giving, the Sisters and Associates received the triptych, the call, and the orientation for the year.

The meeting ended with a fraternal and joyful meal.

“Go out into the deep,

risk yourself unceasingly,

God’s love urges you on”.

Sr Marie Thérèse Catusse dj, Brobo

Sr Pauline Nkoy dj,  Daoukro

Ivory Coast


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