In the Valley of the Angels, in Honduras, fifteen capitulants, three secretaries, the General Council delegate, and a Columbian priest, Téodulo Quintero gather for the Provincial Chapter of Latin America. There are 20 persons (16 «latinos» ), searching for a spirit of missionary renewal, of creativity and fidelity to the Gospel and the charism. This reunion will be in session from the 10th to the 18th of January, in a retreat house called «The Three Roses».
Last January 11, we entered a period of discernment and reflection on our Latin American Province, taking into account what was being lived in each country: Chile, Honduras and Columbia.
The moment each of us arrived at the airport, we received a warm welcome from the Sisters of Honduras. This welcoming continued at the community of Tegucigalpa, on into the social gathering, on the eve of the opening of the Chapter. It was a very agreeable meeting. We laughed and profited well of these reunions and welcomes.
Father Téodulo Quintero CMF (Claretian) was also present. He will be with us to act as moderator of the sessions and to celebrate the Eucharist.
We began the day of January 11 with the celebration of the Eucharist, conscious of the reality that it is God who chooses us, sends us and precedes us on our mission. That is why the Gospel of today finds an echo in us, saying «follow me, I will make you fishers of men». (Mc 1, 17)
This opening, counting on the prayers and communion of the Sisters who elected us, gave us confidence and gratitude for the charism, lived out during almost 60 years in Latin America. Today, we are called to reread our lives, in the light of the person of Jesus and His project for the Kingdom.
To live the Chapter in this syntony, Father Teódulo invited us, during the Eucharist, to find forgiveness in our hearts and acceptance of one another deeply as sisters, to be free interiorly, in order to welcome the calls that God is making through each one of us.
At the end of the Eucharist , Sister Gelsomina Rodas B., Provincial, declared the Chapter open.
Viviana Carolina Forero Angulo d.j.