On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the annual celebration of commitments for the Associates of the Daughters of Jesus of Canada, in the Diocese of Three-Rivers, took place at the Lokia Residence in Three-Rivers.

Sister Micheline Cormier, the new Regional Superior, welcomed Mrs Sylvie Guillemette of the St-Stanislas group to her first commitment. She received the Associates’ pin that depicts a flame (symbolizing the fire of charity) as well as a statue of Saint Joseph of Kermaria.

Sister Micheline then warmly received the renewal of commitment for some fifteen of our Associates. The celebration of commitments is a ceremony that is equally appreciated by the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates, both for its simplicity and because it allows us to understand how the charism is lived in our milieu.

Sister Micheline’s sympathetic listening
Sister Micheline had expressed a desire to meet all the Associates of our sector, to get to know us better as well as our various commitments. This meeting took place following the celebration of our commitments.

We very much appreciated this privileged meeting with Sister Micheline, which also enabled us to hear about all the Associates’ commitments: involvement with families, with the Church, in community organizations, in the community at large, in the neighbourhood, etc.
The Associates expressed their desire to get to know one another better and to learn more about our various commitments. They also expressed a desire for this type of meeting to be held more often.
Truly, Jesus is with us every day, and the Holy Spirit makes us ‘living stones’ in his Church.

Ms. Lisette Dionne, Associate and Secretary
Three-Rivers, Canada