Sisters Anne-Marie and Marie-Claude have just finished a sabbatical year at the Centre Sèvres, the Jesuit Faculty in Paris. For one it was a time of renewal after 24 years in Africa, for the other a time of transition after her professional retirement.
“Believe and understand”
They had chosen to participate in the study cycle “Believe and Understand” which is aimed at anyone, of any age, who wishes to deepen their faith. The particular aim of this formation is not so much to gain in knowledge to but to “savour interiorly” and to engage in reflection with all your being. At the end of the year, each of them presented an evaluation dossier where they reviewed the courses, not in the form of a report but of an account of their lived experience with its discoveries and interior shifts.
Our experience
Here are some personal echoes of their evaluation.
« I really enjoyed the different friendly links that we have forged between us : links of age, culture, state of life. Some students came as part of a postulancy or study time, others for pastoral support, others again for a time of renewal in retirement (even at 80 years old !). We also experienced this fraternity through the convivial picnic meals we shared together, and where Valérie Le Chevalier, the person in charge of the cycle, joined in with ease. »
« During this year, I experienced the Centre Sèvres as a research laboratory, exploring how we can have a relevant voice and be credible as Christians in our world of today. The relationship of partnership between teacher and student favoured this research by a reciprocal giving and receiving and helped us answer the question of how we should live as Church today.»
« I found my spiritual life was enhanced, both by the course content and by participating in the sacramental life of the church of St. Ignatius, adjacent to the centre. Each month, a group of students from different backgrounds animated the Midday Eucharist : English speakers, Spanish speakers, Africans, Indians, Asians, Europeans … »
Living the Chapter orientations
We are happy with the experience we have lived as a group, and with the chance we had to live this time together as two Sisters, Daughters of Jesus. Regardless of your age, inscriptions are open for the coming year !
Let’s dare to « Go to the Source! »
(Acts of General Chapter 2016 p. 6)
Srs Marie-Claude Bit et Anne-Marie Sergent dj