Welcoming an Afghan family

At the end of March 2018, the Association « Dunois Welcome and Solidarity » was created in Châteaudun (France) with the aim of helping refugees. The two Sisters of the community present in the town, Henriette and Monique, as well as Micheline, an Associate of the Congregation, have joined it.

Our discoveries :

  • The audacity of Samandar, the second son of the family, a minor. With his father murdered and his older brother wounded, he left his family and his country at his mother’s request, in order to find a better future and a safe place.
  • A chain of generosity, aware of the need for a long and regular follow-up, was set up throughout the deanery in order to welcome this family. We were touched by the many gestures of accompaniment shown to the mother at the end of her life ; she died one month after her arrival in France with the feeling of having accomplished her mission.
  • A retired doctor provided medical care, with another doctor taking up the relay, when he was absent.
  • After the mother’s death, the Afghan community spontaneously took care of the funeral rites and the repatriation of the body (at a cost ofmore than 5,000 Euros)
  • Every day during Ramadan, Turkish women brought food and and took care of the housework.
  • Many administrative procedures were efficiently carried out in conjunction with different competent bodies. Regular, clear and precise information was shared with the members of the Association.


« We support the family through visits and with the humble means at our disposal. »


We give thanks, in the words of Marie-Pierre, President, for all the joys and beautiful encounters that this adventure allowed us to live despite the difficulties encountered and lived in trust in God.

We give thanks for the Association where each one works as he can and where we feel a beautiful fraternity and solidarity, a lot of joy in supporting and helping this family.

We are convinced that our differences are riches, that the journey we have made together strengthens our hope.


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