A well-deserved tribute!

On May 25, 2022, we paid tribute to Sister Raymonde Tessier Trois Rivières Canada and all the volunteers who helped making visits to the library enjoyable ones. 

It has already been three years since our arrival at the Lokia Residence in Three Rivers. In early 2020 a team of volunteers got together to classify books brought in by residents.

Woman of experience

Sister Raymonde Tessier fj, initiator of the “library project”, had previous experience in the classification of books, volumes, etc. So she explained to us how to proceed … Finally, we chose a simpler and more practical method to facilitate the task.

Like little bees

Every Tuesday afternoon, we worked for a few hours. However, during the pandemic we had to interrupt our work because of confinement. For a few months, in spite of her ailing health, Sr. Raymonde made a list of all the books received. At times she just came to see us at work and give us encouragement. It was in December 2020 that she passed on.

With gratitude

  A commemorative plaque honors the names of those involved: Sister Raymonde Tessier, fj, Mrs. Monique Lévesque, Sister Jeannette Anctil, fj, Mrs. Suzanne Dufresne, Mrs. Dolores Pinard, Mrs. Jacqueline Guillemette and Sister Monique Guillemette, fj.

Life goes on

Just as we do in the library, the residents are involved about everywhere throughout the building. Everybody talks to each other, teases and helps one another. Life circulates thanks to the volunteers who always respond wherever a need arises. At the Lokia Residence in Three-Rivers, seniors demonstrate that “Hearts never grow old!”

Sister Monique Guillemette, fj

Three-Rivers, Canada


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