A parish remembers

Louisdale is an Acadian parish on Cape Breton Island (Canada) where the Daughters of Jesus have ministered for many years. Even today when the Sisters go back, they are always welcomed by this very sympathetic population.église2

One Daughter of Jesus, in particular, has left a lasting impression in this parish, Sr. Rose-Hélène Chiasson who passed away last July. She is fondly remembered by the parishioners who recall her zest for life, her enthusiasm, her courage and her devotedness to teaching and to pastoral ministry, always carried out with a smile.Rose-Hélène 2

In a celebration in November commemorating the deceased parishioners, Sr. Rose-Hélène was cited among them. Three ladies who had taught with her lit a memorial candle in her memory. Another former colleague evoked all that Sr. Rose-Hélène had been for the parish, even sharing certain humorous anecdotes.


Four Daughters of Jesus of the Arichat community were also present on this particular occasion.


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