A long-awaited bicentenary

On 30th November, the 200th anniversary of the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats, all the communities of the Vice-Province of Sud Loire, France, celebrated this long-awaited event in their own way.

A great Congregation celebration reduced to a family intimacy

In Vaylats, we began the celebration on November 29th with a time of prayer. The large crucifix, known as the Great Christ and the precious portraits of Father Liausu and Mother Celestine, our founders welcomed us into the grand hall. Our Sisters from Lalbenque, a community near Vaylats, joined us.

There, interspersed with prayerful silences, we celebrated the grace of bearing the name of Jesus.

We follow you Jesus, show us the way

Holy Spirit, we pray to you today, “renew our days as in the beginning”. May we become what we are: “Daughters of Jesus”.

We follow you Jesus, show us the way

You, Jesus, who became one of us by taking flesh from our flesh,

You, the beloved Son of the Father, who became a servant in order to bring God into the world,

It is in You that we want to dwell, it is with You that we want to walk.

We follow you Jesus, show us the way.

A litany based on two prayers of the Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats and of Kermaria)

Remembering in prayer

We remembered the sisters who preceded us by naming those who have marked our lives or the history of the Congregation and ended with a prayer well adapted to our present life.

November 30th we shared a very fraternal day when we met for a festive meal: the tables were laid out in a rectangle to make conversation easier and so that no one had their back turned to another. Our cook was in on the secret and showed himself willing.very


Greetings and thanks from France

Christiane shared with us all the good wishes that came from Latin America, Africa and France.

– “It is the name “Daughters of Jesus” that unites us all today. Receiving the name of Jesus, invites us to become attached to the person of Jesus Christ, to allow ourselves to be penetrated by his Life, by his Spirit” (…) “May Father Liausu and all our predecessors accompany us so that we may be true witnesses of the Father’s Tenderness in the places where we live”.

“Sister Annick Letort, Vice provincial of Sud Loire, France.

Dear Sisters, we who live in the places of origin, come to tell you that on this 30th November 2020 we will remember with you our 200 years of history. We give thanks to God with you in joy, prayer and fraternal affection. We will celebrate in the hope that the day is approaching when we can once again find ourselves together in the house where so many Daughters of Jesus were born and grew up.

Message from the Sisters of Vaylats.

– “Dear Sisters, we join together to celebrate in thanksgiving on November 30, 2020, by repeating the African proverb from Benin: “the sun does not skip a village because it is small”. Thank you to each one for these very fraternal messages received. “

Sisters Jeanine and Sister Geneviève, Montcuq

– In the Hope and Joy of meeting again in 2021, to celebrate together “that which rejoices the hearts of men and women.”

The Sisters of Monsempron, France.

“Dear Sisters, With all my heart I wish you a very “Happy Feast” in joy and thanksgiving! Father Liausu’s spirit remains alive! “

Sr Marie Claude, novitiate community, France.


Vows from other provinces

– “It is with great joy and emotion that I join you. I see your faces and those of our predecessors whom I love to visit at the cemetery! I see the places, those places of foundation that remain. I give thanks with you for two hundred years…of lives given, to the Church, to the smallest ones, to “bear witness to the face of Jesus, Word made flesh, God’s tenderness for every man”. Two hundred years of Open Ways … always for life, for more life! “


Sister Marie Thérèse Catusse, from Cameroon

– “Dear Sisters Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats, All the sisters of the Canada Region unite their voices with yours and give thanks to the Lord for your 200 years of foundation. “Celebrating a Foundation anniversary means taking the time to lean on the past to unpack the present and open up to the future.” Through their mission, the Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats have lit and still light up hearts with rays of light, joy and peace. Congratulations for your beautiful mission in being close to the people, in the manner of Jesus. “

Sr Monique Brûlé, Canada Regional Office

Enriched by these fraternal messages

Let us keep all these messages of fraternity in our hearts, in “the same Congregational Body”, following “Jesus the Word made Flesh”. To the greater Glory of God”.

“Here we are before you, Father, united with our fathers and mothers in faith, united with all our Daughters of Jesus, Sisters of yesterday and today, from France, Africa, Canada, Latin America and the West Indies. Increase in us the faith that makes us firm in the face of trial; give us the hope that establishes itself as trust and put in us the love that bears witness to you. May your Kingdom come for ever and ever. Amen.”

The Daughters of Jesus of the Province of Sud Loire, France


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