At the end of June, four DJ novices, Beatrice, Emelie, Micheline and Rosalinda, came to meet the communities of Vaylats, France and the surrounding area. On this occasion, Sr Geneviève and Sr Jeannine, from Montcuq in the Lot, invited them to get to know the “La Providence” a children’s home near which they live.
At Montcuq-en-Quercy: the children’s home, “La Providence”
“One sows, another reaps”. This work was created by Mother Clotilde de Lavolvène, who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Montcuq in 1814. In 1951, this congregation joined the Daughters of Jesus Vaylats, who from then on took charge of the children’s home. This was a home with a “social character” because it took in disturbed children and young people, some of whom had family problems. Today, the home also welcomes unaccompanied minors from various parts of the world, including Africa and Asia.
Some history
The director himself insisted on leading the visit but before taking us around the establishment, he recounted its history. It was an enlightening look at the past: from Mother de Lavolvène to the Daughters of Jesus and then to the current Foundation. For him, there is a clear continuity between the intuitions of the Daughters of Jesus and Father Brottier, a Spiritan who refounded the “Orphelins Apprentis d’Auteuil” (Orphan Apprentices of Auteil) Fr Brottier’s total trust in St Thérèse of the Child Jesus worked miracles, and the Father’s influence has never waned.
In 1951, the Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats negotiated the sale of the house to the Foundation des Apprentis d’Auteuil, which became the owner and manager.
Before guiding us from the chapel where Mother Clotilde was laid to rest through to some of the living areas, he gave us a general presentation of all the activities and operations.
He told us, with conviction, of the kinship of spirit he perceives between Mother de Lavolvène, the Daughters of Jesus and the Spiritans, who are still the “supervisory authority” of the Apprentice establishments.
A project
We sensed that the director is entirely devoted to his young pupils and is keen to unite a team around a clear and motivating project. He sent us the “Educational Project”, which reads:
“To become upright men and women “ :
– Take account of the individual in all his or her dimensions
– Enable everyone to experience otherness through encounters
– Promote an educational community where everyone thinks and acts together
– Journey together along an educational and pastoral path to discover the value of life
and find one’s own way.
Part of this project is developed by a new pastoral orientation, the central words of which are,
“Choose to Love”.
“Choosing to Love” involves loving :
– who I am: discovering my inner self, my riches and my weaknesses.
– others: listening to others and daring to meet them.
– the world: caring for what surrounds us (nature, the planet, fragile things, etc.)
– life together : imagining our shared rituals and gatherings.
– God : opening up to what is greater than us, whatever my spirituality or religion.
How can my faith help me grow?
Gospel and Charism
Don’t these words and objectives resonate with the Gospel and with our charism? A charism that has been passed down through the years by the Sisters and lay people who have devoted so many years to it?
The Spirit blows where it wills, like the wind that “you don’t know where it comes from or where it’s going”.
As in the parable of the grain that grows by itself, ” Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how “. (Gospel St Mark 4, 26-29)
As visitors, we were delighted by the discoveries and encounters we had made. Perhaps they even sparked off “ideas” and “vocations” for some of us!
How can we fail to marvel and give thanks?
Sr Christiane Lorcy, dj
Vaylats, France