A friendship and solidarity project

On February 22nd, 2015, the 8th edition of a sharing meal was held at St-Stanislas (Quebec, Canada). This project, initiated by the Daughters of Jesus, who were present in the parish at the time, continues today by the local Associates and by the other groups of the Mauricie.Assemblée

The profits of this meal are destined entirely to the activities of the missionaries.

Over 125 persons participated in an atmosphere of festivity and fraternity. Father Denis-Paul Hamelin, m.a. shared his experience of the schools he implanted in the prisons of Malawi (Africa). He really conquered his audience by his dedication as well as by his dynamism.Denis-Paul Hamelin

The courses are recognized by the Department of Education. This is an enormous help for the reinsertion of the young people when they are liberated.

Helping Haïti continues to be a concern for us. This year, Mrs. Lisette Dionne, Associate, informed us about a project collecting books for the profit of this country. Last year, bicycles were collected to be sent there.

Interest in the project grows with the years and new ideas immerge for “ the next one ” As we like to repeat, the missionaries are our heart, our hands and our feet at home in close proximity with the most needy of the South.

Our skates are well sharpened for the next edition of 2016.

Jean-Paul Rousseau, group of associates, St-StanislasJean-Paul Rousseau


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