17 July – The Bursar General’s report

After the much-appreciated break on Saturday, we resumed our work the following day, beginning with the presentation of the General Bursar’s report.

Administering our assets

It was a time to become aware together of our economic reality and to question ourselves on the way we administer our assets, the fruits of our sharing today and yesterday.

Pope Francis and our Rule of Life (n°  86.5) remind us that our temporal goods must be administered :

“in light of the evangelizing mission of the Congregation

 and with special concern for those in need.”   


New forms of poverty

 We were therefore invited to be attentive to the new forms of poverty in our world and in the environments where we are inserted.  The context of growing inequalities questions our solidarity and invites us to take the measure of the conversions to be lived. 

Discerning the calls

During the coming week, we will continue to listen to the Word of God, to the Holy Spirit, and to all of our sharing in groups and as an assembly, in order to discern the calls that the Lord is addressing to us for the next 6 years and what he expects from us in order to love in action.

“Little children, let us not love in word or speech

 but in deed and in truth”

                                                            (1st letter of St John 3, 18)

We count on your prayer.


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