What do we celebrate at Easter ?


“Unless a grain of wheat falling into the earth and dies,

it remains just a single grain, but if it dies it bears much fruit” John 12:24

This was how Jesus spoke of his impending death and resurrection on his way up graine

to Jerusalem. What does it mean ?

Have you memories of growing a bean in a jar so that you could watch the developments of roots and a strong new stem ? What you saw was a seed “giving up its life”. It became but an empty shell….. but it had given New Life to a NEW plant. A powerful image.

Is this what Jesus implied ?…. that he was ready to give up his life in order to give NEW LIFE. His life like buried grain would re-emerge a new creature :

THE FIRST BORN from the dead.

Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain

wheat that in the dark earth many days hath lain

In the grave they laid him, Love whom men had slain,

thinking that never he would wake again.

Forth he came at Easter, like the risen grain

He that for three days in the grave had lain.

Quick from the dead, my risen Lord is seen,

Love is come again like wheat that springeth green

JMC Crum

Utterly stunned and disillusioned by all the events in JERUSALEM over the weekend and seemingly driven back to seek out their old lives, two disciples make their way to Emmaus . Unknown to them the Lord joins them on their way, (Luke 24: 13 -35 ) questions them about their sorrow and then opens their hearts to see that all they had experienced should have told them that their “friend” was indeed fulfilling the promises made throughout the generations.

Les disciples d'Emmaüs ArcabasArcabas – Les disciples d’Emmaüs

It was in their home and at their table that He took the bread, said the blessing and gave it to them. Their eyes were opened and they recognised Him .

In an instant everything has changed. They knew their Lord. They KNOW HE IS ALIVE… they know now that He is with them always wherever they shall be. They had to share this immense joy with the brethren and despite their earlier fatigue, the fear, the worry….. all that seemed to have evaporated and they made their way in haste to tell the brothers in Jerusalem the truth that the Lord is risen.

We live knowing Jesus is always with us, grateful for the witness of the Apostles and Disciples of the Resurrection who shared their Good News with the rest of the world.

It is up to us to do the same.


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