Tuesday 26 July – The torch passes from Micheline to Patricia

It’s the moment to pass on the torch!

We give thanks for Micheline

Sr. Patricia begins her service of authority as the new Superior General but we do not forget to give thanks for Micheline who has worn out her apron of service in all the meetings she has participated in, in the search for unity and communion and in the challenges faced during these last six years.

Only the Lord knows what she has given

and what she has received.

Thank you, Micheline.

We continue to pray for you.

And a short post scriptum …

We wonder if this photo, with all these smiling faces, does not capture a historic moment?

From left to right, Srs Patricia Guillet, Micheline Cormier, Marie-Thérèse Quéré, Christiane Lorcy, Michelle Paul

Our Rule of Life (n°2) tells us that the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus was:

«  born of the fire of that love

which Jesus came to kindle on earth »

but when we can pass the torch between :

  • five Superiors General,
  • the incoming and four former,
  • gathered together at the same time,

Doesn’t that warm the heart?

On the feast day of Saint Anne, there you can see Sr Patricia enter into the genealogy of the Superiors General!


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