The Sisters of the Moncton, Vice-province (Canada) met recently to celebrate their jubilarians, Sr Suzanne Duval and Sr. Elda Gaudet… A time for prayer, thanksgiving and rejoicing. Sr. Jeannette Anctil, of the Three Rivers vice-province (Canada) was also present.
“Lord, you call me to follow you today
As always, you invite everyone.
Each day your Word is life-giving
In your footsteps we become witnesses” (refrain of the hymn, “Tu m’appelles aujourd’hui”)
Symbols which are life-giving:
Here, we find inspiration. It is like a roadmap for our life, our guide to live as disciples of the Lord. As consecrated women, we proclaim God’s Word through our words and actions. In God’s Word we find our abode.
The book of DIVINE OFFICE, our praise to God
Each day, we praise and glorify God in our prayer for
• The Church
• Our Congregation
• Our world
The Church and the world need us as we need them. Prayer is an essential element of our life within the Church.
Our RULE OF LIFE, the work of God in us, through us and around us
We build the Kingdom of God by our life lived-out according to the charism of our founders, Pierre Noury, Mother Ste Angèle, Mother Marie St. Charles as we endeavor to walk in their footsteps. We are instruments of the new evangelisation.