The Community of Bignan welcomes the future novices

On the 9th of September 2022, the Sisters of the Community of Bignan, France, welcomed the future novices in order to introduce them to the place where the Congregation was founded.

Who are they?

  • Rosalinda, Honduras,
  • Béatrice, North Cameroon,
  • Emeline, Chad, Laï region,
  • Micheline, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Basankusu region.

What they experienced

A pilgrimage in the footsteps of the founders, beginning with a tour of the house: the corridor, Mother Marie Saint Charles’ room … and above all, a celebration in the Chapel, with a sharing of texts written by the foundresses.

What they felt

a deep emotion on arriving at the places where our founders lived.

a lively enthusiasm: the contact with the place, the fact of treading on the land where it all began could not leave us indifferent.

What they appreciated

– the meeting with the Sisters of the Bignan Community.

– their availability to help them discover the traces of the founders.

– their way of living in simplicity, even in poverty.

– the songs dedicated to the foundresses, which will enrich their repertoire, including one dedicated to Mother Sainte Angèle.

“In the land of BIGNAN, you were sown,

the little seed in this place has germinated”.

Their impressions of the visit

They shared their enthusiasm and their feelings with us:

– We had a good time among you: a good afternoon tea, learning songs, sharing in prayer.

– All in a very fraternal atmosphere.

– We are happy to have discovered the community of Bignan.

– We would like to thank you sincerely for your warm welcome.

– Thank you for your availability and for the time spent in showing us some traces of the life of our founders, in this place where everything began for the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus.

– I am enriched by all that I have discovered about our founders and foundresses.

– For me it is a real gift to have had a good time in this “Holy Place”.

-Thank you very much for your warm welcome and for your availability so that we could discover and appreciate these places.

– Thank you for teaching us the Song of Mother Saint Angela.

– I wish you a good Mission. May the Lord accompany you in it.

What the community of Bignan remembered

This little pilgrimage in the footsteps of the founders was a time when sharing and expression came to the fore in this place where everything began. It was a great moment of enthusiasm and communion.

For us, the Sisters of the community, this visit, like many others, encourages us to remain open to those who come to see us. It is a modest way of living our insertion and of inscribing it, in fidelity, in this place of origin and memory.

The community of Bignan, France


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