Symbolic entry into the General Chapter




Some of the sisters express how they welcomed the base line


2I was agreeably surprised. It is succinct and is in line with what we are living in community, in the Provinces; I think it will give us dynamism. I am very happy that we have put the emphasis on the Word of God and I believe that it is this that will help us to advance together.

3In my present period of transition, it is a good opportunity for me to feel that I belong to acommunity, not only that from which I come or that where I have just landed at this moment. I very much like the image of weaving together the Word of God with the reality of our lives. I really believe that this image can unite us despite the differences between one Province and another, and between the sisters of different generations. The image on which the base line is built can energize us based on what we are living in our daily lives.


4The fact of having lived 6 years at Kermaria has anchored me in the charism of the Congregation and gives me hope that we can live focused on the Word of God, at every age, right to the end. The Kermaria sisters who value personal and community prayer have helped me in my own ageing process.

I am currently in a community that does not have any young sisters but we live in an area where there are many young people : there the invites us to find the appropriate words and language for today. Of course, it’s not easy but this base line energizes me. In its wording it pushes us to move forward as Abraham did. Even if we are ageing, the Congregation is not dead and the elderly sisters express a great interest in what the young sisters continue to do today.

What touches me personally in this base line is the call to discern and to recognize that we are in a world which is not that of yesterday but where we have to insert ourselves while remaining what we are as Daughters of Jesus.


Monique L 1I liked the expression deepening the prophetic dimension of our charism because we cannot rest with what was the charism of our founders. We have to explore it in order to adapt it to the realities of today and discover the language and the means. In order to do that we have to dig deep. One of the requirements of our charism is that we educate the sisters so that they have the necessary skills to help people. In order to be able to discern this renewal we must not forget personal formation and not put sisters into situations which they are not capable of responding to.




5Living this celebration with the sisters of the Paris region has been very enjoyable : it is a gift from the Lord. The base line invites us to continue to look again at and to explore the option made by the Founders. It is now the responsibility of all of the Daughters of Jesus : I hope that we will read it with our world of today as a backdrop. I hope too that the Word of God will nourish our life and that our life together in fraternity will become visible there where we are inserted.


Paris 11 April 2015




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