On the road to humanity and humanization…

We, the Daughters of Jesus and Associates, celebrate all the years of existence from November 25, 1834 to November 25, 2015, following Jesus, living and acting as he would.

At the heart of our charism,
Jesus, in his humanity,

reveals to us the love and tenderness of the Father.
Today we dare to set out anew
on the road to humanity and humanization

following in his footsteps
and living and acting in the way he would.

In this video, we are presenting the work of a committee of Daughters of Jesus which was under the direction of Sr. Ethel Greene who, at that time, was provincial of the Canadian Province.

comité2In this mission statement, you will discover what the Daughters of Jesus of the Canadian Province strive to live … using today’s words.

S. Colette Gélinas, f.j.


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