Report of the Superior General 16th July 2016

The Report of the Superior General has the task of describing certain aspects of the Provinces since the last Chapter 2010.


présentationThe Chapter invites us to centre ourselves on Christ, to contemplate Him in his relationship with his Father, “so that following Him, impelled by the Spirit, we could become more and more Daughters of Jesus.

The report alluded to

  • The implementing of the Chapter Orientations of 2010 in the different Provinces and Districts


  • The Fusion with the Daughters of Jesus of Vaylats inaugurated by a special celebration on the 1st July 2011 in an atmosphere of serenity, trust and willingness.


  • The strengths and weaknesses of the Congregation making us look at other ways of living an apostolic life


  • The International dimension of the Congregation and inter Congregational work


  • The importance of Initial Formation as well as On Going Formation


  • The role of the Lay Associates …..


  • Relations with the Church, varying from Diocese to Diocese


The path we have experienced has only been possible through the light of the Word of God. It can only be paschal by a death and resurrection.


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