Prayer to Mary, with Mother Saint Charles
In the words of Mother Marie de St Charles
Who always had recourse to your maternal protection, we pray:
Teach us to honour the Sacred Humanity of your Son, the Incarnate Word,
with no other desire than to do the Father’s will.
Help us to go forward, using every available means to grow in humility
which frees us, and in simplicity which leads us
to peace, gentleness, and confidence in God.
May we be united to Christ our Lord and filled with His Spirit
so that we may seek the Father’s glory in all things.
May we, with living faith, firm hope, and glowing charity,
work with Him for the salvation of all people. Amen
A prayer to Mary with Mother Celestine
grant that we may be inhabited
by the compassion of Jesus
and serve with Him
in availability to the Spirit
for the greater glory of God.
Teach us to love Jesus in his poverty
and to follow Him on his path of humility.
May every trial or difficulty
unite us to your crucified Son
and find us standing
with you, in hope.
Give us the power to draw each day
from the Source of Life,
so that, animated by the same Spirit,
in gentleness and humility,
we may announce with all of our lives,
the coming of a fraternal world.
Consecration to Mary
you were attentive to the call of the Father
and you gave yourself to him unconditionally.
In fulfilling your unique vocation
as Mother of Christ you became our Mother.
Today, each one of us places herself with confidence
into your hands, to say again with you :
“I am the servant of the Lord”,
and to let the Holy Spirit invade her life.
Since its beginnings,
our congregation has placed itself
into your hands several times.
Once again, today, it entrusts itself to you, just as it is,
in union with all our sisters who are already close to you.
With you and through you, open to the Holy Spirit,
may our congregation remain faithful
to the intuitions of our founders,
may we know how to respond to the calls of the Church, the world,
and be, increasingly, a sign of the Kingdom
for the greater Glory of God.
May we be inhabited by your joy,
radiant with your Love, in thanksgiving.
Strengthened by your support,
we will advance with confidence, along the routes of tomorrow.
Amen !