Prayer to the Holy Spirit
adapted from Father Noury

Father, fountain of all graces and all blessings,
we adore you as the source of our happiness
in this world and in the next.
Spirit of charity, fire pure and strong,
warmth which comes from God,
warm our hearts.
Enkindle in us the fire you cast on the earth.
we adore you as the source of our happiness
in this world and in the next.
Spirit of charity, fire pure and strong,
warmth which comes from God,
warm our hearts.
Enkindle in us the fire you cast on the earth.
Spirit of light, of strength and of purity,
enlighten our minds, purify our hearts,
strengthen our will so that we may be faithful
to you until our last breath.
Spirit of consolation, of comfort, of peace,
console us in time of trial, help us to carry
our crosses and give us peace with God,
peace with our neighbour and peace with ourselves.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Fill with your grace the hearts of all
the faithful : fill ours also.
Enkindle in them all the fire of your love.
Spirit of mercy, gentle and patient Spirit, pardon us.
Pardon us for having so often closed our ears to your
words, and our hearts to your call.
Hear our desire to listen to you in future and
to obey your will in all things. Amen