A new challenge!


The Daughters of Jesus website has just welcomed Sr Angèle Lépine from Canada as a new member of the team. We let her share with us her reaction when asked to take on this new mission at the service of the Congregation.



Open to the Word of God!


Portrait de Soeur Angèle

On January 23rd, 2021, our Regional Superior, Sister Monique Brûlé, asked me to take over as Web correspondent for the entity of Three-Rivers. My first reaction was a point-blank refusal.

However, on January 28th, at Lauds, the Word of God suddenly challenged me:



‘‘What each of you has received as a gift of grace, put it at the service of others…’’

(1 Peter 4, 10-11)


Des mains entrelacées sur une Bible ouverteLike St. Paul, I was overwhelmed…


‘‘The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where the soul and spirit meet…’’

(Hebrews 4, 12)


My yes


So ‘‘I let myself be grasped by Jesus and shaped by the Word of God’’.

(Acts of the General Chapter 2016, page 7)



trois petites personnes qui s'appuient sur le mot service

With the help of Sister Pauline Lessard and following our predecessors, it is in faith that I accepted this service for the Congregation.






I have said YES to this call which puts me in communion with people. In a certain way, here I am now on the ‘‘outskirts’’ of society. While reflecting with the Sisters and the Associates on various topics that could inspire me, I will let their beauty penetrate and amaze me.




Together, let us sow hope in our world today!



Sr Angèle Lépine dj

Trois Rivières, Canada



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