A 2019 luncheon in Saint-Stanislas near Trois-Rivières

For a 12th experience, this February 24th, the Associates of the Daughters of Jesus of the Vice-Province of Trois-Rivières, Canada, organized a fund-raising luncheon.

Despite the severe winter storm, there were about seventy-five people there.


A testimony

The guest speaker, Michel Lambert from Alternatives Internationales, was unable to attend. Fortunately, Gilles Roberges, an intern at St Elizabeth’s new parish, shared with us his journey leading to the priesthood. It was greatly appreciated.




A solidarity project for Honduras


This project of an annual luncheon, initiated by the Daughters of Jesus, is expanding from year to year throughout this particular area. We are happy about this, particularly for the growing awareness toward the poor as well as for the financial benefits to assist the projects of our Sisters in Honduras.


Our thanks to all!!


On behalf of the Associates of Trois-Rivières, I would like to thank all those who, from near and far, have contributed to this event which is a clear evidence of our love for the charism.

See you all next year!


Jean-Paul Rousseau, associate of the FJ of Trois-Rivières, Canada


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