On September 28, 2013 was held the launching of the theme that will animate the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates of the Vice-Province of Three-Rivers (Quebec, Canada) during the coming year.

Nous avons tout d'abord commencé par un retour sur le thème de l'année dernière,"Dans ce monde que Dieu aime".

Throughout the day, the animation team had us live moments of prayer, reflection and sharing.

Monique Brûlé

We began with a return to the theme of last year. « In this world that God loves. »

Then we followed up with this year’s theme, « To make life more human as Jesus would do: Choose life! »

These are a few of the words spoken by Sr.Monique Brûlé, f.j. Vice-Provincial:

“In the midst of His humble life hidden in God, Jesus-Christ speaks to us of life in abundance, a gift from God, a new birth, a life-giving source that springs forth eternal. It is a reality that immerses us in God and gives meaning, breath and vigour to all of our actions, small or great.

Choosing life is saying « yes» to life.

Vp; Trois-Rivières


It is committing to everything that promotes life and also saying no to everything that is a « non-life».

Being human is to recognize life, respect and dignity in all persons.

As Jesus would do, He who went toward the wounded by life and took the side of the weak, this year we are invited to actualize our charism, giving it flesh. In turn, we also are invited to take the side of the weak, the impoverished and the marginalized. It means helping others to pass from death into life, beginning with those around us and from there with people where we are sent.

VP. Trois Rivières

Going towards the most needy promotes life and recognizes life wherever it is.

The Lord says to us again today: « I have come in order that you might have life-life in all its fullness. » Jn 10,10

VP. Trois Rivières

There are several ways of giving life, of saving lives… It is up to each one of us to discover them in our humble daily lives. That is what we are more particularly invited to do in the course of the coming year.

S. Colette Gélinas, f.j.


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