Haiti projet


Panorama Cabaret

General objectives:

• To learn more about the mission of the Daughters of Jesus in Haïti and commit ourselves with them.

• Live in partnership an experience of solidarity with the people of Haïti.

• Strengthen the links between FJ Network members.

Specific objectives:

• Implement a project to build latrines in the village of Cabaret where the sisters are located.

• Support the process at different levels: sanitation, administration, financial, psychological, and spiritual.

• Involve the families who will benefit from this latrine project and also involve the youth of the country.

• Submit this project to young Haïtians who are eager to participate in this project experience, specifying the criteria to choose: ability to work in a group, a desire to live this project, not only on a human level but also on a spiritual level; availability for the realization of this project.

• According to the possibilites, working with international congregations (especially with CLAR for human, psychological, spiritual, administrative and financial support…).

Human ressources:

One or two sisters of the FJ Network in each Province where possible, sisters from Haïti as possible, young Haïtians, other religious (male or female) congregations residing in Haïti?

The beneficiaries of Cabaret and the volunteers of Cabaret (manual labor and other types of labor according to their resources).

The recipients who will benefit:

The people of Cabaret, a village of about thirty families who have no sanitation facilities. They have very little money to live on and the majority of the children do not attend school because of poverty.

Criteria for those who will work on the project:

• Willingness to become involved in the project.

• If possible, the ability to speak a minimum of French and also be interested to learn a little bit of Créole.

• Availability of time before the project to prepare themselves (know the realities of the country and the history of the country).

• Have some skill level with regards to spiritual accompaniment, psychological, sanitation, administrative and financial…) and also the desire to partake in everyday life and the life of the group (meals, shopping, cleaning, prayer and liturgy, animation of the group, etc.)

• The desire to work with the youth and the other members of the community of the village.

• The desire to live an experience in Haïti: short term (one month) possibly a longer term (3 to 6 months).

Duration of the project:

Two alternatives are possible:

• 3 or 6 months presence to live the experience of being rooted, meeting the Sisters and the people of the country, and setting the stage (only for the Daughters of Jesus).

• 1 month for the implementation of the latrines project for those who cannot devote any more time to the project.


From January to July of 2013.



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