Gratitude to our Founders and Foundresses

We celebrated the anniversary of our foundation on November 25, 2019 along with our Ursuline Sisters, who happen to have the same foundation date, but a few centuries before us.


This was the first time that our Congregations gathered for such a celebration in our new home at Lokia in Three- Rivers. Our Carmelite Sisters joined us for this event.


Our historic backgrounds


The celebration began with the Eucharist on Nov.25, in gratitude to our founders and co-founders. At the moment of thanksgiving we shared some passages of our respective historical events.


Songs typical of each Congregation


It all ended with a special snack prepared by both communities along with music and singing particular to each Congregation. This celebration was very cordial in nature and mutually enriching. The “party” ended with the chorus familiar to all of us: “Oh, how good is the Lord!” ( Ah! qu’il est bon le bon Dieu!).


Renewed dynamism


This coming together was definitely a ‘smile’ from the Lord who assembled as we set out with renewed dynamism on this new phase of our religious life.


Nicole Périgny fj Three Rivers, Canada


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