The Daughters of Jesus and the Associates on the radio

Les Bâtisseurs de lumières

Starting on February 2 , 2015 the Daughters of Jesus and the Associates of Three-Rivers (Canada), will participate in a series of ten radio broadcasts on the national network of Radio VM.

“Touching on past and present history, we embark on a voyage about the life and works of outstanding figures of Christianity, or a privileged place of the presence of God. We are trying to meet significant personalities, to acquire more knowledge of their current situations and to understand the social, human and spiritual issues concerning them.”

Sylvain-Alexandre Lacas, producer and animator of these weekly programs


Get ready to travel, because these programs go beyond the frontiers of Three-Rivers.

Beginning of the broadcasts: February 2, 2015, Feast of the Light.

Schedule: Monday morning from 7 to 8 a.m. (Quebec time), and rebroadcasts on Wednesday evening at 22h00.

You may also listen to the talks on the internet:

Welcome to all.

S. Colette Gélinas fj


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