The Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus will hold their General Chapter from July 11 to July 30, 2016 in France.
An international meeting ( Council of the Congregation) in Bogota, Columbia, has selected the « dominant theme » for the
General Chapter.
A symbolic celebration, common to all the Congregation, will place in all the cultures and countries to enter as one in the
dynamism of the Chapter.
In Three-Rivers (Québec, Canada), a message from the Pope to the consecrated religious, marked the opening of the celebration: «You do not have only a glorious history to build. Fix you sights on the future, the one toward which the Spirit will propel you to accomplish great things.”
With the song “tournées vers l’avenir”, «Turned toward the future”, hoping for a spring for the church… Lord, you journey with us … all together we go forward in your footsteps.
Afterwards, we received a precious text: the « base line » for all the Congregation that challenges us … with the audacity of the founders, to express our charism in a language significant for today… Discern the renewal to enter into it following Jesus, humble servant… Dare to advance in weaving together the Word of God and the concrete realities of our lives. Each one will contribute to putting it into action.. The reflections already whet our appetite to do so.
In conclusion, we asked the Spirit to enlighten us in order to « reflect on the past » … to « live the present with passion»… to «embrace the future with hope».
Afterwards, the lively strains of the accordeon greeted us, DJ’s and Associates, in the cafeteria for a joyful luncheon celebrating our new Provincial, Pâquerette Dessureault’s birthday. A representative of each community presented her with a manuscript of wishes in a basket of love: wishes, words of friendship, prayers, collaboration, health, happiness, solidarity, gratitude… A magnificent exotic plant will brighten up her office. She thanked us with all her heart.
We left energized to fulfill the dream of God on our Congregation.
Jacqueline Cossette d.j.