The Associates make their commitments at Trois Rivières

Gilberte Gabriel Shawinigan, an associate of Trois Rivières, Canada, shares with us some echoes of the celebration of the associates’ « commmitments ».



Following Jesus on his way of humanity

On the 7th May 2017, the Daughters of Jesus of the community of Kermaria, Trois Rivières, welcomed us as Associates of the Congregation for the celebration of our commitments.

Céline Lisé, Jacqueline Désilets and Lise Charest made their first commitment, while 28 others renewed their’s.



An occasion for reflection …

The celebration was marked by simplicity, interiority and the way in which it included the numerous participants – associates, sisters and guests.


The Word of God, the songs and the witness of Mariette Audy allowed us to deepen our experience of the charism of the Congregation. For Mariette,


« Rereading my experience has become part of my life : it allows me to live with more awareness, it gives sense to my life and it helps me to have a more loving and empathetic regard for the people I meet …. »


An occasion for sharing …


After the celebration we all came together in the cafeteria to talk and enjoy the the delicious desserts offered by the community.


Gilberte Angel Shawinigan, laïc associée

Vice province de Trois Rivières, Canada



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