From the 14th to the 20th February 2016,
the 44 delegates of the France-Belgium Province
gathered together at the Centre of the Brothers of Ploërmel,
for the Provincial Chapter*.
Bernadette Boulvais and Annick Quérellou share some echoes of the opening celebration of the Chapter.
The opening of the Chapter took place in the big room Iroise, reserved for the times of celebration throughout the whole week.
A decor, with a beautiful hanging and staging in various forms had been prepared to receive the 8 elements related to the work of the Chapter.
They can be seen in the photos …
The make-up of the work groups had even been incorporated into the celebration : as her name was called out, each delegate was invited to stand up and to remain standing, with the members of her groups, until the element of the decor had been put in place.
« Discover with your God the future he gives to you …
” With the words of this song, we began the celebration, in the course of which were carried successively :
- The text of the guiding principles. The call to express the prophetic dimension of our charism in a language significant for today.
“Dare to advance in the weaving together of the Word of God
and the concrete realities of the milieux in which we live”.
- The Rule of Life. By which we receive our sending out on mission.
- The Logo of the General Chapter :
symbol of the call to be “Fire, Salt, Light”;
- A folder containing the Memory of the facts
shared by all of the sisters in the course of the various assemblies.
This folder was replete with the daily life of the sisters
and of the people in the midst of whom they live.
- The logo of the Year of Mercy as an expression of our communion with the universal Church.
The celebration finished with the prayer, which has accompanied us for some months no as we move together towards the General Chapter. It had prepared us well :
- for the recollection which we were going to live that evening and the following morning with Father Maurice Roger, vicar general of the diocese of Vannes.
- for the work sessions animated by Sister Thérèse Revault of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit.
Bernadette Boulvais – Annick Quérellou
*Chapter : a congregational meeting of delegates who reflect on what has been lived over the last 6 years and who propose orientations for the years to come.