Christians and ecology

Chrétiens en écologie 01At Kermaria

on the 2 December 2015,

the residents of the High Dependency Unit for the Elderly

and sisters interested

by the question of ecology

enjoyed a presentation given

by Mr Jean Claude PIERRE,

an environmental activist and Christian.

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This conference at the same time very much interested us and gave us food for thought. “GAIA”, our earth, is the magnificent work of our creator God (Genesis 1, 1 – 29). It is up to us as living beings to be attentive and vigilant as to our way of changing and managing this “common house”.

The writings and teachings of the Church never cease to remind us. The latest encyclical of Pope Francis, “Laudato si”, is a striking example of our responsibility with regard to the Creation.

What we retained from this extremely interesting conference was that we must:

  • take care of creation, in our immediate environment.
  • respect our earth which belongs to everyone and always make it more “Beautiful”.
  • harmonise our day to day behaviour, to make for more fraternity, mutual aid, solidarity.
  • avoid all degradation, all wastage, all violation of life.
  • realise that pollution is making 30% of the animal species (bees, insects, earth worms …) disappear, species that are indispensable to the maintenance of the balance of life on earth.
  • accept the spiritual conversion that insists that all that lives comes from God.
  • contemplate the person of Jesus Christ, our model. He came and walked on our human roads, taking into account the elements of nature (water, bread, fish …) in delivering his message …

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The speaker finished with this sentence:

Beauty will save the world

Community of Angélique Périgault


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