Centenary, a plunge into what is to be!

Sr. Aurore Clermont celebrates her 100th birthday on Oct. 24th 2015, Kermaria, Trois Rivières (Canada)

Sr. Aurore Clermont’s long life was noticeably marked by her involvement in the field of education. She did not fear to participate forcefully in the Union’s demands for better work conditions.
Woman of an openness to the world and of a remarkable culture, she entered «fully» into modernisation. At 99 years of age she operates the «electronic tablet». It has to be done…..
The acrostic that follows show the richness of her spirituality, source of commitment.

Dear Aurore,miroir

A t the eve of a milestone, we celebrate a life poured out,
U doubtedly filled with a feeling of accomplished,
R ealizing in a tangible way, His love,
O ften His Word, contemplated and transformed in humanizing acts.
R eliving such a beautiful past, promise of a great future
E specially on this day, an occasion for gratitude and celebration.


C entenary, a plunge into what is to be!
L iberating life, nourishing hope,
E mbracing only what is essential.
R eflecting the face and heart of Jesus,
M oving forward in His presence,
O pting for a quality of being and acting as He would,
N ever to be forgotten that your are precious in His eyes and in ours,
T hus is the program to be followed … until the bicentenary!

Happy 100th birthday!…

Communauty of St-Joseph per Sr Muguette Bordeleau, d.j.


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