A Child is born, a Son is given to us!
Joy for the hearts that seek God!

Christmas 2014…

Nativité, Chapelle des Jésuites, Rome

Nativité, Chapelle des Jésuites, Rome

At the heart of the world and the local realities
where darkness risks to ‘snuff us out’ …

What is this Light that shines in the today’s Darkness
darkness which cannot prevent the Light from shining through?

As 2000 years ago, the coming of Jesus has
neither the splendor of power and riches
nor the strength of economical, political or religious authority
nor the violence which discriminates and does away with those who are undesirable.

He comes where we do not expect him …
so small, so humble, without defense…
hidden inside the brother, the sister crying out in distress,
the brother, the sister thirsting for salvation today.

Who can go to his encounter as did the shepherds, the wise men…
except for the hearts thirsting for humanity?

Who can see him, discover or recognize him
except for the eyes that are attentive to the signs of the Kingdom already here:
Kingdom which rises like yeast in dough
Kingdom which comes forth from a little mustard seed
sown in the obscure earth of our world…

Yes, this Christmas of 2014 a Light shines!

Joy of Love which gives of itself in giving Life,
even risking to give up its own life!

Joy of the little or big daily actions
which set us out on the roads of humanity, those of Jesus!

Joy of letting ourselves be attracted to and transformed by the Light
through a multitude of small lights which sow joy and hope!

“Why should we not also enter into this great stream of joy?” (Pope Francis E.G. 5)


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