Accompanying adults towards baptism

Sœur Anne Marie ONNO en communauté à Villiers sur Marne (France) nous fait part de sa démarche d’accompagnement d’un adulte vers le baptême


When I was asked by the person responsible for the catechumenate to accompany adults towards baptism, I said ‘yes’ to this call after a time of reflection.

  • Proposing a way of discovering God,


  • Helping an adult who is searching to take his first steps in faith,


  • Become a member of a Christian community,

is that not a beautiful adventure?

During this long time of formation, the brochure proposed by the diocese, “Gospel Paths”, becomes a precious tool.

Through the ample time given to listening, the attention to the life of the candidate, regular meetings, a climate of confidence is born and deep links are created.

Together, we set off on paths rich in discoveries … with room for spontaneity, for the questioning that challenges our faith.

It is the Holy Spirit that is really the “Master of works”.

What is stimulating is meeting those in the catechumenate who are journeying together towards Easter with joy and with a deep desire to build their lives on Christ.

It is stimulating for me a Christian and a religious sister: it is a beautiful human and spiritual adventure.

Anne Marie


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