A return to the source

On Sunday October 22, the Associates of Trois-Rivières, with the help of Sr Denise Héroux, had a chance to reread the history of the Congregation of the Filles de Jésus,

More than a century after her death, Mother Ste-Angèle is still a silent source of inspiration for us by her simplicity of life and her creativity in daring to go towards the most deprived.

She was devoted to all; she answered the call of Mister Coëffic to found a new congregation.


Mother Marie de St Charles, co-foundress


One can say that with Mother St-Charles, co-foundress, we are still living in this new breath of life that she gave to the Congregation. Her spirituality, her action and her writings are still remarkably relevant for us today.

Can we also say that through her influence, the Congregation chose to go in exile in order to pursue its mission in Canada with Mother Elisabeth?



An apostolic zeal

trois Rivières

Another one of our predecessors, Mother Ste-Agathe, was presented to us. Val-Marie, Laflèche hospital and several other foundations bear witness to her apostolic zeal and her audacity.

It is good to hear some Daughters of Jesus speak of her dynamism and her energy in singing the song: «Ah! Qu’il est bon, le bon Dieu!» (Oh how good is the Lord!)

In a certain way, the history of the foundation is continuing. With the presen

ce of the Associates, the spiritual family of the Daughters of Jesus is enriched by their way of living the charism of humanization.


Joy in this pilgrimage to the source

Thank you, Denise, for this pilgrimage to the origins! For me, as I had the privilege of walking in these places where our congregation came to be, in Brittany, I experienced a greater joy of belonging to our wonderful spiritual family.



Carole Thibeault, Associate, Trois-Rivières, Canada





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